Do always wash your hands before touching your lenses
In fact, you should always wash your hands with soap and water before even touching your eyes.
Do clean them properly
It’s important to clean your lenses at the end of every day in order to remove any substances that may have built up. And after cleaning make sure you put them in their case with fresh solution.
Don’t sleep in your contacts
We have seen extreme cases where patients have left lenses in for so long that they dry to the point of “gluing” to the eyeballs. Removing them at this point can tear the top layer of the eye away, causing painful corneal ulcers.
Don’t shower in them
And also remove contacts before swimming or going in a hot tub.
Do use the proper contact lens solution — and never water
Not all contact lens solution is the same — different types have different preservatives. So use the specific kind that the doctor recommends and don’t reuse solution.
Do replace your lenses regularly
A recent survey revealed that nearly half of all contact lens wearers use them longer than they should, running a higher risk of infection or complications. Always follow the proper replacement schedule as prescribed by the doctor.
Do get an annual eye exam
It’s important to not only assess your lens fit, but also your eye health, every year. A comprehensive, dilated eye exam can reveal eye and other health issues, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Don’t wait until your have a problem
Early detection is key to successful treatment of any health problem. Call for your appointment today: (707) 546-9800.