The information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult your PCP or eye doctor before starting any new therapies. To schedule a consultation, please contact us.

10 Tips for Healthy Eyes

images-4 According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), more than “20 million Americans suffer from severe vision loss.” That’s a staggering number. Here’s another eye-opening stat: more than 40% of Americans (or approximately 60 million of us) make New Year’s resolutions (this according to an estimate cited in a recent Forbes article, which goes on to say that only 8% of us keep those resolutions).

Because resolutions are inherently hard to keep, particularly when they involve personal wishes we may have for ourselves that require constant vigilance, like our health, the ophthalmologists at ECI would like to help you keep a resolution we believe in — your eye health.

We know that life has a tendency to get in the way of maintaining vigilance to eye health, so to make it as easy as possible to preserve your vision, we recommend you keep these simple tips from AAO in mind, which will also help you keep another resolution you may have made: maintaining your overall health:

  1. Wear sunglasses
  2. Don’t smoke
  3. Eat right
  4. Baseline eye exam
  5. Eye protection
  6. Know your family history
  7. Early intervention
  8. Know your eye care provider
  9. Contact lens care
  10. Be aware of eye fatigue

If you are concerned with your eye health as the New Year begins, contact us. No matter what your age, and no matter what other resolutions you have on your list, we can help you maintain good eye health.

Thank you to AAO and EyeSmart for these important eye health tips. To read the complete article, with additional advice for each tip above, please read: Top Ten Tips to Save Your Vision.


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